Ekta Sharma
07-Mar-2022 12:00 AM 477

Born in January 1990 at Gwalior, a town in madhya Pradesh India. Currently he is working as freelance artist in Bhopal.
She did her Graduation in 2012 and Post Graduation in 2014 in painting from Government Institute of Fine Arts Gwalior.

Since the beginning of her artistic career she did many Group Shows in India and abroad. From her wide range of group shows some are:
“VASANT RITU”2021 Vasant Rao curation project, Sydney Australia.“ANANTA”2021 Vasant rao Curation project , Sydney Australia. “THOUGHT THE LOOKING GLASS”2020 Kalakriti Art Gallery Hyderabad.“PERSEVRANCE”2020 Ampas Art Gallery, Gurugram.“INCREDIBLE MADHYA PRADESH”2020 by foundation of art and culture. “MADHYAMA”2018 by Raza Foundation ,New Delhi. “ART AMIGOS” Orange tree, Pune. “THE NATURE AND THE ABSTRACT” 2016 The Hayat, Pune. “INTERNATIONAL ART AND PHOTOGRAPHY FESTIVAL”2016 Mumbai and many more.She also attend various art camps like “AUROVILLE ART CAMP” Tamil Nadu. “7th ART MEET” 2019 ITM Gwalior. “ITRIGUING JOURNEYS”2021 HBAV Pune and many more.she had also got many art awards some of the are “M.P STATE AWARD”2013 Bhopal. “ALL INDIA WOMEN ARTIST CONTEMPORARY ART EXHIBITION”2014 Chandigarh.”CHERAVETI”2021, Bhopal and many more.she attended art residencies and international symposiums like “KALAKRITI ARTIST RESIDENCY” 2018 Hyderabad. “22nd SYMPOSIUM SOVLJAK” 2020 Bogatic , Serbia..

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