Pelva Naik
02-May-2020 12:00 AM 3993


Born - 5 February 1986
Ahmedabad. INDIA.

Pelva Naik is a rare young woman executant Vocalist of Ancient Indian classical music form- ‘Dhrupad’.
Born in 1986, in India- Ahmedabad -Gujarat, Pelva was brought up in a family of artists, art lovers and connoisseurs; where she was nurtured amid affluent virtues of Indian culture, literature, art and music.
Pelva has been trained in the Dhrupad style of vocal music under the eminent Dagar Gharana of Indian classical Music. She is a disciple of legendry Dhrupad maestro Ustad Zia Fariduddin Dagar. She has also received proficient guidance from Rudraveena maestro Ustad Mohi Bahauddin Dagar.

The prime forte of the Dagar school of Music is creation of exceptional refinement of ‘Alaapchaari’, gentle renderings of ‘meend’, great adherence towards the maintenance of the purity of the ‘Raag- Swaroop’, reaching out to the finest ‘shruti bhed’ in a note, free flowing complex cross rhythms of ‘Jhala’ and distinctive rhythmic improvisations of the ancient poetic verses- ‘pada’.
Adding the unique instrumental aspect of Rudra Veena to the Alaap of Dhrupad; the musical discipline of Ustad Zia Mohiuddin Dagar- The Rudraveena maestro and Ustad Zia Fariduddin Dagar- The vocalist maestro, evolved the art of Dhrupad to the most exclusive order of elegance and splendor.

Pelva, in her music, endeavors to adhere sincerely to these traditional elements- so complete in themselves; at the same time, with the help of the great liberty that the discipline of dhrupad offers, she strives to cultivate fresh characteristics that are personal and distinct.
As a solo Dhrupad vocalist, she believes, that even though performance of this unique art form is a central aspect of her ‘being’ as an artist; teaching and edification of Dhrupad must remain the most integral element for a practitioner. Teaching and sharing the nuances of the art of Dhrupad is an integral part of her life and practice. Pelva teaches and performs ‘Dhrupad’ in India and overseas.

Performances at Prominent Festival and classical music platforms to name a few-

Darbar Festival- South Bank Center- LONDON (UK) - Year 2015
RAVENNA FESTIVAL- Darbar festival in Ravenna- ITALY 2017
Summer Mela for Alain Danielou Foundation- Rome & Venice- ITALY 2017
Lalit Kala Academy symposium inaugural concert- KOCHI 2017
UDAY SWAR @ PRITHVI- By Pancham Nishad & Prithvi theater- MUMBAI 2017
Jashn- E- Deccan- HYDERABAD 2015
Festival Gayatri- FIRST EDITION ARTS - MUMBAI- Year 2016
Suburban Music Circle- MUMBAI Year 2016
‘Smritinandan’ Festival- BANGALORE Year 2016
Bharat Nivas Auroville- PONDICHERRY Year 2013
Dhrupad Mela – VARANASI-Year 2008/2014
Ustad Z M Dagar Memorial concert- MUMBAI Year 2012
Bhopal Doordarshan Live telecast- BHOPAL Year 2012
IISC BANGALORE- February 2018
Festival ARAMBH By RAZA FOUNDATION- New DELHI- October 2018.
Dhrupad Vaibhav- Raza Foundation- New Delhi- March 2019

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